Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Major Holidays In Italia :)

Capo d'anno - New Year's Day: January 1st.On this day, there are parties everywhere. There is one major difference in this holiday. Instead of hanging mistletoe during Christmas and having to kiss someone, mistletoe is hung in doorways to bring luck to those who walk under it! I find this very interesting!!! :)

Festa delle Donne - Festival of Women : March 8. This day is a day to celebrate women. Men buy women "Mimosa Flowers."

Pasqua - Easter: March 31. Easter is a very joyous holiday for Italians. Families get together and eats a lot of food. The main course is usually lamb and a lot of different bread dishes.

Festa dei Lavoratori - Labor Day: May 1. This is a day to celebrate workers. People take this long weekend to travel with their families as a relaxing time. 

Festa della Reppubblica - Festival of the Republic - Republic Day: June 2. This holiday represents the day that Italy voted to decide their form of government. Though a lot of controversy, Italy was declared a republic. To celebrate, there is a grand parade in Rome.

Festa dei Morti - Festival of the Dead: October 31. This day is designed to honor the people who have lived before us. Special foods and treats are usually made during this holiday.

Festa dell'immacolata - Immaculate conception : December 9. This day is a day designed to celebrate Mother Mary.

Natale - Christmas : December 25. Here, it is celebrated similarly to America. There is a lot of food, decorations, and presents. However, 24 hours before Christmas day, they do not eat any meat during their meals. Then, the Christmas feast is as big as the family can afford!!! :)

All these holidays sound so fun!!! I can't wait to experience these new traditions!! :) <3


~Shelby Kenville

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