Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Italian Regions

Hello readers, 

First of all, I must give credit for most of this post to Wikipedia! Thank you Wikipedia! :)

Italy is a tad bit similar to America's divided states. Italy has regions, and within these regions: capital cities and other smaller cities. So, first I will list the region's name in English and then Italian (if it's different) and then I will write the capital city and population (there are 20 in all.)

  • Abruzzo - L'Aquila - 1,344,955
  • Aosta Valley - Valle di Auosta - Aosta - 128,820
  • Apulia - Puglia - Bari - 4,086,020
  • Basilicata - Potenza - 785,386
  • Calabria - Catanzaro - 2,007,908
  • Campagnia - Naples - 6,633,891
  • Emilia Romagna - Bologna, - 4,465,863 (Yup, bologna was invented in Italy!)
  • Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Trieste - 1,235,353
  • Lazio - Rome - 5,789,993
  • Liguria - Genoa - 1,613,369 (This is where Cinqueterra is! )
  • Lombardy - Lombardia - Milan - 10,010,865 (THIS IS ME!)
  • Marche - Ancona - 1,568,835
  • Molise - Campobasso - 478,488
  • Piedmont - Piedmonte - Turin - 4,467,914 (Been here!)
  • Sardinia - Sardegna - Cagliari - 1,673,981
  • Sicily - Sicilia - Palermo - 5,043,480
  • Trentino-Alto Adige - Trento - 1,007,536 
  • Tuscany - Toscana - Florence - 3,763,939 (been here, shorty.)
  • Umbria - Perugia - 989,965 (been here, not so shortly)
  • Veneto - Venice - 4,960,661
Total population of Italy : 60,626,442

Now you know some Italian geography!! 

So far I have not 'scratched' my itching desire to see all of Italy! But, hopefully, I will see a good chunk of it before I have to go back home sometime in June. I don't know how I feel about going back home. I want to go back to my life, but I want to be able to come back to my Italian life whenever I want!! it's such a hard decision!! :) Luckily, I still have 5.5 months left!! 

Thanks for reading!! <3 

~Shelby Kenville

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