Saturday, March 23, 2013

Italian Parking

Hello everyone, 

For those of you who don't know, right now, I am on vacation with my American family!! :) Our trip plans include Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, and Verona. We just got to Florence and we have already visited Milan and Venice. It is so nice to see my grandparents, parents, and family friend! I am so excited to see more cities!

This blog entry will be about how the Italians park. Pretty much EVERY parking spot is parallel. If you can't parallel park, you could not survive in Italy. It is a necessity. 

The cars are usually parked so close together, I don't even understand how they get out. I do have to admit that the Italians are very good at parking. Yes, sometimes they get bumped, but I don't think it's a big deal like it is in America.  

This is an example of some "Italian" parking. Good luck... 

So, thanks for reading! If you ever plan on driving in Italy, make sure you know how to parallel park! :)


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