Saturday, April 6, 2013

Italian Candy and Snacks

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

Here in Italy, they eat tons of chocolate. They have so many different brands and types of chocolate it’s crazy. It really sucks for a girl that doesn't like chocolate. Every day, someone asks me if I want a piece of chocolate and every day I get gasped at because I don't like chocolate. Pretty much everyone thinks I'm crazy.
They do not have Reeses Peanut Butter Cups but they have Nestles candy and many other brands.
Some major brands are TUC, Milka, and many others.
The kids here (and the adults) eat chocolate pretty much every day! They definitely love their sweets!
They do have lots of really good “sour” candy, but it’s not very sour. It’s more like sweet. But the gummy candies with the “sour” flavoring are very yummy!

I still prefer my American candy though... <3
Thanks for reading :)
~Shelby Kenville

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