Friday, August 24, 2012

The Packing Begins

Ciao :)

Over the last couple of days, I have been lugging my suitcases up the stairs, and purchasing some last minute things. I am only allowed to bring one bag under 50 pounds for free, one carry-on under 16 pounds, and a backpack. I hope I will be able to fit everything I need into those bags. I am sure i will be buying A TON of stuff once I get there. :) For the trip, I bought some nicer clothes, because Europeans tend to dress more formal (and I'm going to Milan!!), an English-Italian dictionary, and I will be buying an adapter for my computer. I have also began my countdown!!!! I can not believe I am leaving in 12 days!!! This experience is going to change who I am, and how I act around others. I am hoping to become more social and I can not wait to be bilingual and more knowledgeable about the history of another country! Arrivederci :) Grazie!


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