Thursday, September 6, 2012

My First Day.


I landed in Milan, Italy just yesterday! I was so confused and I had no idea what to do with myself. I had to wait for my bag and questions were running through my mind like, "what if they don't like me" and that sort of thing. Well, my family had a sign for my name on it, and they were all very excited for me to be here. My sister, Alice, speaks good English, my mother speaks a little English, and my father does not speak English at all. I have been speaking a little bit of Italian, but for the most part, I am listening and understanding.

My house is gorgeous. It's so different than any house in the United States. I love everything here. :) It is so beautiful and different. The cars, the houses, and the people are all unique and beautiful! :) I can not wait to start school next week, and meet new friends. Tonight, is fashion night were people go to Milan and get dressed up to go to stores such as Prada and Gucci. You have to wait in lines and you get free drinks. :P Guess which 16 year old girl is going!!? ME!!!! I can't wait. :) Thank you for everybody that helped me to get here.! Ciao for now :)

 My room. :)
The new house
