Sunday, March 31, 2013

Seasons in Italy

Happy Easter Everyone! :)

This Easter, I am with my fqamily in Milan. We plan on going to a Restaurant and eating Easter lunch together and then just relaxing at the Hotel. We have been very busy the last couple of weeks. 

Anyway, I wanted to write about seasons in Italy. Here, they have all four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. 

Winter: It's pretty cold during Winter. Especially this year. There has been a TON of snow and cold rain. I had to buy a new coat when I got here because mine was not sufficient.

Spring: It is still pretty chilly this year for spring. It has been rather rainy, but somtimes there are still beautiful blue skies. The flowers and the leaves on the trees are just starting to come back. I am looking forward to getting closer to summer. 

Summer: Summer (at least the end of summer that I experienced in September) was hot and humid. There were also a lot of mosquitoes. 

Fall: This season was really nice here. It was a little chilly at times but it was very gorgeous with all the different color leaves.

Overall, Milan is very similar to Ohio weather. Some days, the sky will be blue and it will be warm, the nect day it could be freezing and snowing. Some may say, "Bipolar weather" :)

 A summer sunset
 A summer day :)
 Autumn <3
A cold winter day! 

I haven't yet hit another summer day yet. Hopefully I will before I return to America in two months! :)

~Shelby Janae <3

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