Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sorry for the delay in posts!!

Ciao tutti!

I have had a lot going on in the past couple weeks, so I am very sorry for not posting in so long. I will try to catch you up the best I can. 

First, I have went to a Holiday Concert inside the Duomo di Milano. It was very beautiful. There was a little orchestra and a choir. It was very long and cold inside the church, but very beautiful none-the-less. 

Secondly, I have officially seen the painting by Leonardo di Caprio "The Last Supper." I, Shelby Janae Kenville, have seen this incredible painting inside a church with my own two eyes. It was such an amazing thing to see. The painting itself is a miracle considering that during the bombings, this wall with the painting of Jesus and his 12 disciples was the only wall left standing. I am very honored that I was able to see this painting and learn some cool things about it's history. 

The rest of the week just consisted of ice skating and hanging out with my friends. I still can't believe I'm really here and having this experience. I have met so many awesome people and I hope that I will be able to maintain relationships with at least half of them :)

I do have to admit that this experience is very complicated for me. I have had multiple problems within the three months this year. I know there has to be a reason for these unfortunate series of events, and hopefully someday I will figure out what it is. But I am still loving it here despite the difficulties. I REFUSE to go home early, I REFUSE to let anything keep me from learning Italian to the best of my ability, and I REFUSE to let anything ruin my time with my friends here. Hopefully soon, all of this will pass, but for now, please pray for everything to get smoothed out, because there are a lot of complications. Thanks so much for reading and I will update with pictures when I can. 

~Shelby Janae <3

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