Monday, September 17, 2012

13 Days in Italy.

Ciao :)

So, I have been having a blast here in Milan, Italy. In all the meetings i went to for the Rotary, they always talked about culture shock. Nothing here is that surprising to me. It is all wonderful and I love it. But, the shock of school is starting to sink in. Today, i was completely lost in all my classes. I did not know what was going on the whole day. The teachers were having me do work, and it was embarrassing because i do not know how. I knew that classes such as Italian and History would be hard, but even Math is different. All the words and numbers are different, and it is very hard to understand. The kids here are more advanced, so i do not know how to do the work, and when the teacher tried to explain it, i do not understand what she is saying.

I know that the next couple weeks are going to be really hard. But I have a great friend that i can talk to!!! :) So, hopefully, the next couple weeks will go by quickly so that i can start to really enjoy my stay here in Italy. Thanks!!!

~Shelby <3

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