Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Initiation Day at School


So, today was my first day of school. Since I'm 'special' as they say, I went in at 10:30 and left at 11:30. I am in class 3AF (tre ah effay is how you pronounce it.) I walked into my class with my 'tutor' in the lead, and all the kids were looking at me. So then he started introducing me, in italian of course, as the new American exchange student. All the kids were looking at me as if i were som
e magical being. hahaha :) It was molto molto imbarazzante (very very embarrassing.) Tomorrow is my first real day of school... I go in at 8:00 and leave at 2:00... Here, the kids stay in the same class all day and the teachers change classes... It's very different, but I still LOVE it here! :) 

Ciao Ciao :D

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