Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cooking Supplies! (and Hallowen ;)


Today is Halloween!! However, here in Italy, they don't really celebrate Halloween. They do not do trick-or-treating or stuff their faces with candy... What a shame ;) haha. For the most part, people have parties or go to the Disco. 

Now, about cooking supplies. 

Everything here is smaller. Tables, silverware, stoves, everything. There are no huge spaghetti pots like we use in America. I took some pictures of all the cooking supplies, except the oven. The over is about the size of a large microwave though! :)

Thanks for reading! :)


Monday, October 29, 2012


Ciao :)

There are a lot of different cars here. For the most part, they are very little because you mainly have to parallel park.

From what i have seen, there are a lot of Volkswagens  Toyotas, Fords, Nissons, Lancias, Fiats, Citroens, and Peugeots  These are the most popular ones, but of course, there are a ton of other brands!!! 

Like cars, there are a lot of different types of scooters. However, the best selling scooter brand is the Honda. :) Most people ride their scooters only when it is now raining, however, there are some crazy people that ride in any weather!!!

Here, the traffic lights are the same colors, but they are slightly different looking. I will post a couple pictures of what i mean! :)

The speed limits here on everyday roads are usually around 50-90 km/h. This is about 30-51 mph. However, everyone speeds for the most part. Since i arrived, i have not seen one person get pulled over. I have heard a lot of Ambulances, but have not seen a cop with its lights on. Parking/speeding tickets are usually somewhere are 100-200 Euros. 

Now, about gas. I cannot do the math considering it is extremely complicated ;) So i will just give you everything in Liters and Euros. 

A liter of gas is about 1.75 Euros. 
3.9 Liters equals one gallon.
1.75 Euros is about 2.30 American dollars.

I know that gas here is much, much more expensive that in is in America. That is why a lot of people rely on public transportation and/or scooters!! :)

Crosswalk Light !! 

Thanks for reading!! :) 


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Stores in Italy


In Italy, stores are quite different. There are a lot of very small specialty shops like Panetterrias (bread), Gelaterias (ice cream), and Pescherias (fish). They also have many other specialty shops. These specialty shops also have other things, but their main product is their masterpiece. So far, I have only seen one super shop. It was called Il Gigante. This is a huge, multiple floor grocery store. It has individual sections for cheese, meat, fruit, and so on. Everything is always fresh here. There are only a couple frozen food sections, and only a small section for sweets. It is very different from the American grocery store. Here, they have Italian brands of soda, but i have seen American soda. They have Pepsi, Coca Cola, and Fanta. But, before I came here, I stopped drinking soda, so I have not gotten to enjoy any of this... One strange thing about this grocery store, is it is located in the Mall. The grocery stores here are not just by themselves (unless they are the small specialty shops mentioned earlier,) they are inside the Malls. 

Malls here are very large (from what I have seen so far.) They have their 'normal' Italian stores similar to our American Eagle, Express, etc. However, here they do have some "American" stores. There is H&M, Hollister, and Abercrombie from America. Abercrombie is incredibly expensive here. Probably about double it is in American. H&M is about the same, and i have not visited Hollister yet so I cannot compare prices.  One thing I do like about visiting Abercrombie, though I cannot buy anything, there are shirtless models at the front of the door that you get a free photo with!! Whoohooo! :) That's a store I plan on visiting regularly when i go to the Center of Milan. There are also a lot of little boutiques that fill Milan and the malls. Such as Subdued. This store is a personal favorite of mine :) 

In the streets, there are also a lot of outdoor "swap meets." They are those things with tons of tents with everything from fresh fish to clothes and jewelry. Those are very interesting to walk down. One second you're smelling yummy cheese, the next, stinky fish!! But they are very fun to look for for good deals on jewelry or some fresh french fries!! :) 

I love shopping here. It is a very fun thing to do with friends!! (though very very costly.)

A little shop in Cinque Terre!!!

Thanks for reading!!


Friday, October 26, 2012


Ciao tutti!!! I am still absolutely loving my time here in Italia!! 
This entry is going to be all about the school system. 

School here is quite different than it is in America. 

First of all, the years of school are slightly different. There is kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, higher secondary school, and university.
There is three years of kindergarten (ages 3-6), five years of primary school (ages 6-11), three years of lower secondary school (ages 11-14), five years of higher secondary school (ages 14-19), and at least four years of University education.  

Second of all, there are different types of school. For example, despite the fact that I suck at art, I am going to an Art school. Along with Art school, there is Science, Music, Language, Classics, Technical, and Vocational Schools. They are all very different. The schools more focused o n education are very strict, while the more artsy schools (like mine,) are very laid back. 

Thirdly, we do not eat lunch at school. School begins at 8:00 am and each class is one hour long. At 10:55 there is a fifteen minute break. A lot of kids buy food at 'The Bar' on the second floor of the school. Then the one hour classes continue until school finishes at 2:00 pm. I usually hurry to get on the bus at home because I am pretty hungry!!

Lastly, and most unfortunately, a lot of schools are in session on Saturday. This is my absolute least favorite thing about Italy, but I know it's not that big of a deal. 

Well, thanks for reading! If you have anything you want me to write about COMMENT!! :) <3

 What I do during school.
An Italian apple with a leaf on it <3


~Shelby K. :D

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Clubbing at the Zoo Latino.

Ciao! This entry is going to be all about my first clubbing experience. 

Last night, for the first time, I went out with some friends to a Disco called Zoo Latino. It was sooo fun! :) First, I met up with my group at school, and we took some pictures. Then we all squeezed into the small, Italian car and drove to the club. We then stood outside of the club for about 30 minutes waiting for the rest of the group. We ended up entering the club at around 11:15. By the time I got into the club, my feet were killing me from standing for sooo long, so I changed into my sandals before we started dancing. I was fine with that though because all I wanted the shoes for was pictures and initial greetings :) Haha. 

So, after you get your ticket, you go in and just start dancing. The music is crazy loud. My ears are still ringing from last night. This setting made it extra hard to understand what anybody was saying. In order to understand Italian at the point I'm in, I need to hear it very clearly, but since the music was so loud, I could not understand very well. 
The lights were also very cool! They were so blinky and crazy!! :) I loved them!!! :) Some people were dancing very very crazy (both boys and girls,) For example, one guy was dancing in the corner, but rather than dancing, it looked as if he was having a seizure!!! Lol!!! :) I was cracking up. Some people also had no idea what personal space is. Some people randomly will come up and start dancing with you. I walked away when anyone would do that to me though. Haha. One guy literally jumped on me last night and my friends had to push him off. It was insane!! haha :P

Another thing that was strange was that, people literally made-out with people they just met. A boy would come up behind a girl and they would dance, turn around, and suck face!!! Then they would walk away. I was very shocked!! hahaha. That will definitely NOT happen with me. haha.

During the course of the night, i had two guys try to dance with me (other than the one that jumped on me.) One grabbed my waist, and I was turned around and stopped him. haha. Then, over the loud music I tried to explain to him that I am American, and I don't speak Italian very well, and I don't want to dance. haha.  Another one came up to me and started talking to me and I tried to explain the same thing. He then started to  talk to me in English. He was very nice, but the timing was bad because it was 2:30 and we had to leave. Oh well!! I will have plenty more club experiences. 

This night was so fun. I really enjoyed myself. Though it had some drama, and uncomfortable/embarrassing moments, I would definitely do it again. 

 My friends and I ready to go!!
 Those shoes!!!

Thanks for reading!!! :)\

~Shelby <3

Friday, October 19, 2012


There are a lot of people walking all kinds of different dogs on the streets of Italy everyday. I have noticed a pattern though. 

There are a lot of German Shepherds, Greyhounds, Boxers, and Chihuahuas. These are the dogs that have stuck out to me the most. There are obviously a ton of different kinds just like America, but i believe these are the most popular.

There are a lot of dog breeds that originated in Italy. Here is the link. :)

I really miss my puppies at home!! I wish i had a dog to cuddle with here in Italy!! :) But, it will make it that much more of a special reunion when i come back!!! <3
 Atlas and Ajax <2
 My handsome Doodles <3
Atlas and Toula :) <3

An extra note, tomorrow night, i am going to the Disco with my friends!! I am soooo excited! :)
Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cinque Terre :)


Yesterday, i got back from my first Rotary trip within Italy. It was so incredibly fun! There were around fifty kids there. We all bonded pretty well. The whole weekend was a break from having to think Italian all the time. Everyone was very excited to speak English the whole time!!! At night, (usually until like three in the morning,) groups of people would go do different things. I usually went to go play games. I made a lot of new friends, and i can't wait until the next Rotary meeting where, hopefully, we will be able to speak Italian to each other.

The first day after arrival in Monterosso, we hiked to the nearest city. It was very warm and fun!! Then, we went to lunch and swam in the Mediterranean Sea! :) That was very fun, but not as warm as i was hoping. It was still beautiful though!! :D The next day, we visited some historical monuments. Cinque Terre was literally one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen in my life. 

This weekend was overall, so wonderful. Taking goofy pictures, swimming in the Sea, walking for hours, and playing stupid teenage games with other kids. I truly am loving this experience, and i wish that every teenager could do something like this. 

Thanks so much!!! :)

 The Sunset :)
 The Sea!
 The food! :) <3

~Shelby Kenville

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Major Holidays In Italia :)

Capo d'anno - New Year's Day: January 1st.On this day, there are parties everywhere. There is one major difference in this holiday. Instead of hanging mistletoe during Christmas and having to kiss someone, mistletoe is hung in doorways to bring luck to those who walk under it! I find this very interesting!!! :)

Festa delle Donne - Festival of Women : March 8. This day is a day to celebrate women. Men buy women "Mimosa Flowers."

Pasqua - Easter: March 31. Easter is a very joyous holiday for Italians. Families get together and eats a lot of food. The main course is usually lamb and a lot of different bread dishes.

Festa dei Lavoratori - Labor Day: May 1. This is a day to celebrate workers. People take this long weekend to travel with their families as a relaxing time. 

Festa della Reppubblica - Festival of the Republic - Republic Day: June 2. This holiday represents the day that Italy voted to decide their form of government. Though a lot of controversy, Italy was declared a republic. To celebrate, there is a grand parade in Rome.

Festa dei Morti - Festival of the Dead: October 31. This day is designed to honor the people who have lived before us. Special foods and treats are usually made during this holiday.

Festa dell'immacolata - Immaculate conception : December 9. This day is a day designed to celebrate Mother Mary.

Natale - Christmas : December 25. Here, it is celebrated similarly to America. There is a lot of food, decorations, and presents. However, 24 hours before Christmas day, they do not eat any meat during their meals. Then, the Christmas feast is as big as the family can afford!!! :)

All these holidays sound so fun!!! I can't wait to experience these new traditions!! :) <3


~Shelby Kenville

Sunday, October 7, 2012



Driving here is insane. Most cars are stick shifts, so if the driver is not very experienced, the ride is a little bumpy. Also, the streets are very little and short. There are a lot of intersections. However, this does not stop the driver from going into fourth gear!!! It's definitely interesting riding in cars here. I would NEVER even think to break the "no driving" rule that Rotary gives us. I have no desire at all to drive. Also, the cars (for the most part) have to parallel park. I have no idea how they get into those tight spaces sometimes!! it's rather amazing! :)

In Italy, the driving age is 18, however, at 16 you are able to drive a motorcycle. As stereotypes say, there are a very large amounts of motorcycles driving around. There are certain times of day that they are out most, like the morning on the way to school, and in the afternoon on the way back from school. There are many different types of motorcycles. There are scooters, what look like dirt bikes, and some that look like Harleys. 

Thanks for reading! :)


Thursday, October 4, 2012


When I first came to Italy, I was very excited to listen to Italian music all the time. But when I arrived, I realized that they don't even listen to Italian music. They listen to the same music that we do in America. (Rap and pop mostly.) I wanted to buy some of the most popular songs for my iPod so I asked around and I was given 13 Italian song names. Not very impressive haha. It's interesting to listen to the radio in the morning because the song is in English, and then the radio announcer speaks in Italian. Well, that's all I have for today! Grazie! :) <3

Euros! :D

~Shelby Kenville

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

La Mia Famiglia! :)


I have a pretty big family here!!! My grandma and grandpa are very  nice to me!!!! I absolutely love them!! Everyday after school, i go to my grandma's house and she makes me lunch!! :) We make small talk, since she doesn't speak any english, i try very hard to talk to her at least a little bit, because i don't want her to think I'm rude!! I sometimes ask my grandma if she needs help with the dishes and she says, "No, no, no!" haha. She refuses help from any of the kids!! It's crazy how much work she does. She also does my laundry. Every couple days, i find my laundry basket empty, and then clothes are on my desk, a couple days later. She even irons EVERYTHING. (even underwear!) She is very considerate, and i appreciate everything she does. I don't see my grandpa very often. I don't know where he goes off to but, when i do see him, he is so nice and friendly. He always walks me to the post office when i need to mail something. He reminds me a lot of my grandpa at home, Papa. 

All my cousins are very excited to have me there. They love listening to me talk, whether it is in Italian, or English.

My parents offer to drive me anywhere i want to go on the weekends, which is very nice, so that if i am out late with friends, i don't have to take the bus by myself. 

I really like my new family here and I can't wait until i can really have good conversations with them! :)

Sunday family dinner. 
