Monday, October 15, 2012

Cinque Terre :)


Yesterday, i got back from my first Rotary trip within Italy. It was so incredibly fun! There were around fifty kids there. We all bonded pretty well. The whole weekend was a break from having to think Italian all the time. Everyone was very excited to speak English the whole time!!! At night, (usually until like three in the morning,) groups of people would go do different things. I usually went to go play games. I made a lot of new friends, and i can't wait until the next Rotary meeting where, hopefully, we will be able to speak Italian to each other.

The first day after arrival in Monterosso, we hiked to the nearest city. It was very warm and fun!! Then, we went to lunch and swam in the Mediterranean Sea! :) That was very fun, but not as warm as i was hoping. It was still beautiful though!! :D The next day, we visited some historical monuments. Cinque Terre was literally one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen in my life. 

This weekend was overall, so wonderful. Taking goofy pictures, swimming in the Sea, walking for hours, and playing stupid teenage games with other kids. I truly am loving this experience, and i wish that every teenager could do something like this. 

Thanks so much!!! :)

 The Sunset :)
 The Sea!
 The food! :) <3

~Shelby Kenville