Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Being Sick in Italy

Hello :)

Alright, so I am sad to say that I am sick :( It totally sucks being sick with out my mom or dad to take care of me! It feels just a tad bit worse being sick away from my family... 

So, the purpose of this blog is not to tell you that I am sick. There are just a couple things I have noticed about the way people handle sickness here that might be a little different than America. 

First of all, everyone thinks I am sick because I wear a short sleeve shirt to bed and for some days not wearing enough layers. I know for a fact that not wearing enough clothes during winter is not a reason for being sick. It has been proven a myth that you can't get a cold from wearing a small amount of clothes, it's just not how it works!! 

Second of all, when anyone wants to touch my forehead to see how sick I am, they use the inside of their hand instead of the outside. I have no idea if this affects the temperature, but I was always under the impression that when feeling for a fever, you use the back of your hand. 

Thirdly, whenever people are sick here, they miss school or work. I very rarely miss school; when I am sick, I try to go about my day as normal as possible. I even went to Athletics yesterday even though I didn't feel good. 

These are just a couple things I noticed from being sick in a different country. I hope no one else ever has to be sick in a country other than their own :)


~Shelby Janae


  1. I wish I was there to snuggle with you and bring you juice and cold washcloths for your forehead...

    1. Me too Momma! :) <3 <3 I desperately want some chicken noodle soup and smoothies!! <3
